Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Man I suck at this!

Hello again! I know, I know.. it has been FOREVER since I've updated this thing so now I'm giving a re-cap of how everyone is. I was pretty busy for a while working and taking care of Viv but now I'm only taking care of Viv. My "lovely" job laid me off in July (if anyone missed that memo). I was pretty dang ticked because I had been there for four years, but I realize I'm a lot happier now w/out all the stress. I wasn't a huge fan of Turner Gas but change is hard so I stayed because I was comfortable. Now I hold down the fort! I cook dinner almost every night, clean, water plants, pay bills, take out the garbage, and have Viv following me the whole time. :)
Luke is going to the University of Utah now and only has about 5 semesters to go be
fore he has his bachelors in Business Management and Finance. He also works full time to provide for his family. I'm so proud of him and am impressed by what a hard worker he is. I know he has a lot on his shoulders but he rarely ever shows it unless I pester him about how he's doing with everything.
Now for Viv. She has the most out of anyone going on. She started walking at 7 3/4 months old and complete
ly by-passed crawling (and no she doesn't not have developmental problems from this). She LOVES books and he
r baby doll; however she does throw her sometimes. She say's "ba" when she sees her ball and "baba"
when I ask if she wants a bottle. When you say "stomp your feet" she will do just that and points to her nose when you ask her where it is. I can't believe how fast babies learn things. She's starting to drink milk and eat big kid foods but isn't a big fan of juice (which is nice since cavities suck). She will usually eat ANYTHING mommy and daddy are eating though, preferably over her own food. Vivian is also starting to climb up and down on the furniture. This is fun and she gets a kick out of it so I just watch to make sure she's safe. She LOVES being outside and if there's a rock or a hose near she'll grab it and have fun for minutes. She has a short attention span ha ha.
As a family, we travel to St. George as much as we can. Sometimes I go without Luke so I can have some good girl bonding time. My family also comes up to see us as much as they can. Since Viv has been born, my mom has seen her once a month which I think
is pretty darn good. We also took our first camping trip together this year. I will say I don't recommend taking an 11 month old camping in 100 degree weather unless you have a hotel to go back to so they can cool down. I hope it will be better next year when she is almost 2.
I'm probably forgetting A TON of things but that is what happens when you don't update your blog in many months. Thanks for reading and I'll try to update this again soon!