Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Weekend

So this year for the 4th of July, Luke and I just hung out with each other. We went to dinner at McGrath's and then went and saw Wall-E. (Cutest movie! I loved it!) My brother was in St. George so it was really nice just to have some one on one time w/the hubby. On Saturday I lounged around the house for most of the day while Luke went scouting for deer (Don't ask.. I didn't realize I married such a hunter either. Ha ha). Later we met up with friends of ours and ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Finally Sunday rolled around and we didn't do much at all. We went to church then took a two hour nap together. That was REALLY nice. I love naps! Then we went to his mom's for dinner. All in all, it was a pretty relaxing weekend. Ok so that was a pretty boring blog, but like I said, I'm new at this :) so bare w/me.

P.S. I actually made dinner from a recipe I got off the Campbells website and it turned out good! High five for me! It was pretty simple so if anyone wants it, let me know and I'll pass it along.

1 comment:

Greg and Mel said...

I like relaxing weekends! It sounds like you guys had fun. I still need to try the cheesecake factory! Sunday naps are the best!!