Monday, June 30, 2008

What we've been up to

So, I'm not a blogger, but I figure since Luke and I have been so busy lately, I would start in attempts to keep people updated. Presently I am 32 weeks pregnant. 8 more weeks and baby Viv (Vivian) will be here! Pregnancy has been good so far. I've had some aches and pains here and there but I figure thats expected considering there is a little person growing inside me. :) I'm still working full time and will continue to do so from home after the baby is born. Luke is going to school and working full time right now. He's super busy but he's doing a great job! He also recently just finished the office we'll both be working in once we move to his grandma's house. It looks awesome! He did such a great job! The nursery is also currently being worked on. Raina, Brian, and Adam helped me remove the wallpaper, and Brenda, Raina, Brian and Luke have all put in some time painting it. I know it will look great once it's done! My mom will also be coming up in a couple of weeks to help decorate it. Other news that people may not know about is that my brother is currently living with Luke and I. It is taking some time getting adjusted, but I'm glad we've actually had the time to get to know each other better. Hopefully Salt Lake will be a better place for him then California was. That's about all for now! I hope everyone is doing well :)


Leslie & Chris said...

For fun! I didn't know you had a blog! I love these! I am always on ours! :)

Cheryl said...

I'm adding yours to stalk from mine! I'm glad you started one.

Anonymous said...

i just added you to mine so i will check on you latter

The Mickelson Family said...

woo! Welcome to the world of blogging!