Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vivian's First Shots

So yesterday (August 21) was Vivian's 2 month doctor appointment. She now weighs 13 lbs 5 oz and is 24 inches long. The doctor says she is growing very well and is in the 95% for her age. I'm not sure if this is a good way to tell whether or not she will be tall. I was in the 95% when I was a baby and we all see how tall I am. :) Anyhoo...she is doing very well. The doctor suggested we put her on a new, lactose free, formula because she seemed to be having an allergic reaction to the regular stuff. I guess she was having a hard time breaking down the proteins which caused her tummy to hurt making her think she was hungry. This made her eat every hour and a half. Now, when I called the nurses and asked them if this was normal they said, "Sure, just keep feeding her!" Boy were they wrong. I think I'll be talking to the doctor directly when I have concerns from now on. Hopefully this new stuff works so she can eat less, be more comfortable, and sleep longer. After the general check up, it was time for her shots. She got 2 in one leg, 1 in the other, and some liquid stuff she had to swallow. She drank the liquid stuff up really fast. It must have tasted good. When it was time for her shots, Luke held her hands and I closed my eyes. She cried for a second, but it wasn't anything worse then I've heard before and she quieted down once her bottle was back in her mouth. I was very proud of the little peanut. Once we got home, she took her afternoon nap and woke up very unhappy! I think her legs were sore from the shots because when she moved them she would start screaming. Now this was a cry I had never heard before. It was nearly impossible to change her little diaper listening to her cry. Mom even had to cry too. I gave her some children's Tylenol and eventually she fell asleep on our bed. Once she woke up, she seemed to be doing a lot better (thank goodness). She got another dose of Tylenol before she went to bed for the night and didn't have any problems after that! Today (Aug 22) she is 100% better. Mommy and she both slept in, however, because they were so pooped from the day before :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Life as a mom

Hello Everyone!! It has been a while since I last wrote but things have been a little busy. Vivian was welcomed into this world on August 21, 2008 (the day after her dad's birthday). I decided to be induced so my family could be up here for it and because Grandma was stressing out a little bit. I didn't have any contractions by her due date, however, it still worked out for the best because the little peanut was bum first so those contractions would have never started. After 10 hours of sitting there going through the contractions, the doctors discovered this tiny problem and 30 minutes later, Vivian was here via C-section. The whole delivery went great and Vivian weighed in at 8 lbs 4 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long. Vivian and I were in the hospital Thurs-Sunday and boy was I glad to go home! She was also a little juandiced at first, so while we were there, they put her on the bilirubin bed. Other then that, she did great! Since she has come home with us, life has been totally different. She is my everything. My days are now based on when she takes a nap and when she eats which is about every hour and a half. This made for an incredibly hard time nursing. I felt really bad at first, but then I realized she is happy and growing strong and that is what really matters. If I didn't have to work, I would probably spend all day just staring at her but since I do have to work, I squeeze it in when I'm not playing with her :) Luke is also adorable with her. He has gotten better at giving her a bath and he is still working on changing her diaper. He doesn't like how much her legs wiggle. So far her favorite times are when she's naked and when she is eating. She has recently started smiling so just putting her on the bed and trying to get her to do that is fun. We've also realized that from the nose up, she looks like Luke when he was a baby and from the mouth down, she looks like me. She also has the chubbiest body ever but it is absolutely adorable! I just want to kiss her cheeks all day. So, as you can probably tell, I love being a mommy! Getting up in the middle of the night really isn't all that bad, poopy diapers come and go, and it's great when the crying stops because you made everything all better. Just looking at her makes me feel so blessed. Tomorrow she will be two months old. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I'm just trying to take in every minute of it.