Friday, August 15, 2008

6 days and counting!

Well, today is Friday 08/15 and Baby Viv has 6 more days til she reaches her due date. She's technically due the 21st but I see her going a little bit past that. I was 10 days late so it would be karma ha ha. I packed a bag for myself and baby last night so if anything does happen, we're good to go. I also cleaned the house, did some b-day shopping for Luke, and paid bills that were due close to that time. Hopefully I've got everything taken care of so I can have a breather when she gets here :) Now I just wait. . .


Greg and Mel said...

I'm betting on a few days before or right on your due date!! I am so excited for you guys and I hope all goes well! I'll be praying for a safe and healthy delivery for you both! YAY!!

Anonymous said...

so did you have her yet i have been looking everyday since then well have fun and take care and good luck with it all

Greg and Mel said...

lets see some pictures!!! :D