Friday, August 15, 2008

6 days and counting!

Well, today is Friday 08/15 and Baby Viv has 6 more days til she reaches her due date. She's technically due the 21st but I see her going a little bit past that. I was 10 days late so it would be karma ha ha. I packed a bag for myself and baby last night so if anything does happen, we're good to go. I also cleaned the house, did some b-day shopping for Luke, and paid bills that were due close to that time. Hopefully I've got everything taken care of so I can have a breather when she gets here :) Now I just wait. . .

Monday, August 4, 2008

We moved!

Since Luke's Grandma remarried and offered to let us live in her house for 2 years while we saved up money for our own place, since she is now living with her new husband. Well, this weekend we finally moved into it! (Here is a picture of our new backyard) However, moivng wasn't easy. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate throughout the years that you didn't even realize you had. We have a food processor. WEIRD! We had a lot of wedding gifts in storage since our apartment kitchen didn't have much counter space but it was like a second wedding when we pulled all our stuff out again. One thing that made the move 100 times better was hiring movers. Being 37 weeks pregnant, I couldn't really do much so the movers moved all of our big furniture down three flights of stairs for us. It was a stress relief for Luke as well. We moved all of our own boxes ourself and still have a few to pick up but we've got all the important things out. It has been nice putting our own furniture and pictures up in her house because it is beginning to feel more like our home. It will definitely be a great place for Baby Vivian's first 2 years. Now that we're in, I also get to start washing all of the baby's sheets and clothes so they're ready for her to wear when she gets here. I have been looking forward to doing that! I am glad that I technically have three weeks until the baby is here thought because we have a cat (Daisy) who hides under our blankets most of the day hoping she will magically pop back up in her old home. So I have 3 weeks to get her adjusted to the new house before we bring a baby into it. Whoever says pets aren't like kids obviously hasn't had a spoiled cat like ours :) JK. Ok so I'm not. She is very spoiled. Well that was our weekend. I hope everyone had a good one as well!

Hot Mama!

So my work threw me a little baby shower and this is the super sweet shirt they made me!! I just wanted to show you all. :) They also took me to Olive Garden which was very tasty. Thanks guys!!